Category | Navy |
We are the top Best Navy coaching in Kuchaman City. We have achieved this position because of our consistent success and selection percentage. The coaching classes in Mayur Defence Academy are conducted by a highly qualified team of professional teachers and trainers (for SSB and Navy Coaching in Kuchaman City). Our regular Online Tests on Sunday make us unique from others. Students can get an analysis of each subject online after giving the test.
Unmarried Male Indian Citizens and subjects of Nepal and Bhutan.
Educational Qualification :
(a) Qualified in 10+2/ equivalent examination with Maths &Physics and at least one of these subjects; Chemistry/Biology/Computer science. .
Age Criteria: 17 to 20 for SSR &17 to 19 for AA.
Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit depending on their performance in Written tests, Physical Fitness tests (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examinations.
Written Test :
(a) The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi &English) and objective type.
(b)The question paper will comprise of four sections.e.English, Science, Mathematics and general knowledge.
(c) The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2 and the syllabus for the examination is available on the website
(d) Duration of question paper will be of one hour. (e) The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) :
PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squat ups (UthakBaithak) and 10Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.
Medical Standards :
(a)Medical examination will be conducted by authorisedmilitary doctors as permedical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry.
(b)Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms.
(c)Good mental, medical and physical health free from any disease/ disability, likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties. Colour perception: CP II.
(d) No Cardio- vascular disease, surgical deformities like knock knee, flat feet etc. infection of ears, no history of fits or psychiatric ailment, varicose vein, corrective surgery for eye sight etc.
(e) Medical standards should be as per the detailed guidelines issued by IHQ MoD (Navy) in NO(Spl) 01/2008.
Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination.
Visual Standards
Without Glasses : ( Better Eye - 6/6 ) ( Worse Eye 6/9 )
With Glasses : ( Better Eye - 6/6 ) ( Worse Eye 6/6 )
Mayur Defence Academy & Sports academy Kuchaman City Mayur Defence Academy is one of the result-oriented defence academies. Mayur Defence Academy best defence academy in Kuchaman City, best defence academy in kuchaman, best defence academy in shekhawati, Kuchaman City. For NDA, Airforce, Navy, Army, Police, SSC, Railway etc. in Kuchaman City (Rajasthan).
We are highly obliged with your kind visit to the institution and give a chance to Mayur Defence Academy to welcome you.
Mayur Defence Academy is the best Navy Defence academy in Kuchaman City. best Navy coaching in Kuchaman City, best Navy defence academy in Kuchaman City, best defence academy Navy in Kuchaman City, best Navy coaching in kuchaman, best Navy coaching in shekhawati
Mayur Defence Academy(GDA) is providing not only coaching but also it is providing regular graduation degrees (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.) from Mayur Defence Academy(GDA)s college Mayur Defence Academy affiliated from Shekhawati University Kuchaman City.